Kyrgyzstan set to restore degraded pastures

Sowing plants will contribute to restoration measures.

Kyrgyzstan is set to restore degraded pastures. MIR 24 reports, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic has purchased 100 tonnes of perennial plant seeds from the Russian Federation for this purpose.

The project on the conservation of pastures, where seeds of perennial brome grasses are being harvested, was presented on the territory of one of the farms subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture to mark the Field Day. This plant is a saviour of the soil and has adapted to local climate conditions. Its seeds will be evenly distributed among the regions.

The plants must be drought-resistant and cold-hardy, so that they will live in climatic conditions and tolerate frosts at 40 degrees on pastures in steppes, semi-deserts and rain-fed areas. The Institute of Animal Husbandry and Pastures is responsible for selecting such plants.

It is planned to start sowing in mid-autumn, and about 10,000 hectares of land will be sown. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, about 250,000 hectares of pastures need to be restored.

15 07 2023, 09:43
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