Every day CentralAsia.news tells what happens in the countries of the Central Asian region - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
We cover not only federal and global news but local stories as well. The focus is made on the most important events. We do not take sides, we recount the facts objectively and accurately as they are in a reader-friendly language.
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Title: Сentralasia.news
Editor-in-chief - Andoni Alexander Anatolyevich
Founder: Ltd "SNG-MEDIA"
Editorial office address: 119334 Moscow, 15 Kosygina street, office 38
Phone number: 8 (495) 201-65-97
E-mail: Lenta@sng.media
Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77 - 69062 of 03/14/2017.
Digest of the most topical publications
We present our newsletter edition. As part of a special release, we talk about topical and significant news in Central Asia, share expert opinions and interviews with experienced analysts in various fields.
The digest includes the freshest and most interesting materials. We have no doubt that it will become a quality navigator in Central Asia for readers. Any visitor to our resource will get a complete picture of the states of the region.