Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences: «Tajikistan needs solar energy»

Sergey Alekseenko told how alternative energy can help the Republic.

On January, 25th, 2019, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems of the Institute of Thermophysics of the RAS Siberian branch, recipient of prize «Global Energy - 2018», Sergey Alekseenko declared that Tajikistan needs solar energy. According to him, the sun can replace fossil fuels and give a start to the development of a promising direction in the energy sector, «Sputnikwrites».

The scientist added that in recent years many states have begun to install solar power plants on their territory. According to him, such process is especially important for countries in which there is a lot of sun, for example, for the countries of the Central Asian region.

By way of example, the specialist cited Tajikistan which has territories where solar energy can provide all the needs of citizens and infrastructure.

Alekseenko added that such type of energy is one of the most expensive, but it also is the most cost-effective. In southern Europe, all costs are repaid within one year, he said.

The member of RAS emphasized that there are many problems in solar energy – for instance, solar cells occupy a large area. In addition, there are some difficulties with energy storage sites.

26 01 2019, 16:37
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