Petrochemical giants of Turkmenistan prioritize environmental safety

Doctor of Technical Sciences Allaberdy Ilyasov revealed the principles of interaction between «Environmental systems» and production.

In Turkmenistan, along with using the latest technologies in the industry, special attention is paid to environmental safety requirements. Solving environmental problems in the field of oil refining requires the development and implementation of highly efficient, low-cost technologies for oil refining and new environmental protection systems. Within an interview to, Allaberdi Ilyasov, a regular analyst of the news agency, doctor of technical sciences, spoke about how the the country purposefully fulfills environmental requirements.

Turkmenistan will develop an innovative economy

Such a concept should be considered as a model that is aimed at social development and economic growth mainly due to intensive factors without damage to natural resources and an increase in the level of environmental pollution. Now the world is going to enter an era that imposes new requirements and Turkmenistan will have to make a transition to a post-industrial society, to an innovative economy based not on resources, but science-intensive technologies and intellectual potential. It is necessary to focus on scientific support, development of breakthrough areas of green energy and economics.

The main goal of this position is to ensure the rate of economic growth, as well as to improve the well-being and health of the population amid the rational use of natural resources and balance in the ecological systems of the country. The oil and gas industry makes a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the state, being a driving force for the entire economy of the state, it contributes to the development of other sectors of the economy.

Rational solutions

Relevant directions in solving environmental problems in the production and processing of oil and gas are the development of environmentally friendly processes and waste disposal, cleaning gas emissions from petrochemical industries, cleaning wastewater from oil and oil products, etc. In this regard, the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan forms the structure of the economy and plays a significant role at all stages of its development. It is also very important for the formation of the gross domestic product and export potential of the country.

Due to the modernization of technological equipment, greenhouse gas emissions in Turkmenistan have significantly decreased. The priority goals of increasing technological and economic efficiency in the oil and gas sector are the large-scale introduction of new energy-efficient technologies and the latest achievements of world science in production throughout the entire production cycle: from exploration, development of oil and gas fields to transportation, storage and use of oil and gas.

A good example of it is a large-scale program of technical re-equipment of the giant petrochemical industry of the country — the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries following the «Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030». Construction of new enterprises, reconstruction, and modernization of existing technological installations and other production infrastructure facilities are carried out with help of advanced technologies and technical solutions to prevent damage to the environment.

New facilities include eco-complex

The TCOR builds the Complex of Delayed Coking and Tar Deasphalting Units (DCU-TDU). The delayed coking unit (DCU) is designed to process all heavy residues at the plant (tar, oil sludge, asphalt, and other residual products) into more valuable light oil products (gasoline, diesel fuels). A super-ecological unit for the production of needle coke will be built in the future.

The creation of the DCU-TDU includes several measures to minimize the impact on the natural environment. The level of air pollution in the area of the enterprise location after implementation of the project corresponds to the established sanitary and hygienic standards.

Today, global environmental issues include the problems of interaction between society and nature associated with human economic activities. The use of natural resources and modern technologies in various fields of human activity has expanded significantly. The main strategic goals of Turkmenistan are ensuring a sustainable, positive dynamics of development, financial and social stability, prompt response, and adaptation to changes in the economic environment, the creation of a solid basis.

16 10 2020, 08:17
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