Majilis of Kazakhstan proposed the amendments to the anti-corruption law. In 2026, the country plans to join the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, which requires the criminalisation of the promise, offer or demand of a bribe, the press office of Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan reported.
The proposed amendments envisage compiling a public registry of corrupt officials. It will provide information on those convicted of the serious crimes of corruption pursuant to a verdict which has become enforceable. The registry is to foster intolerance towards corruption through public censure.
«The justification for the inclusion of persons in the register will be a guilty verdict which has become enforceable,» Deputy Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency Ulan Sarkulov clarified.
The concept of «personal interest», linked to material or other interest that influences the decisions of civil servants, is clarified. Administrative liability for failure to manage a conflict of interest and the performance of official duties when there is a conflict of interest is to be introduced.