Tajikistan and Russia create “simplified customs corridor”

Thus, it is planned to significantly accelerate the cross-border movement of goods.

Tajikistan and Russia signed an agreement on the simplified customs procedure for the transportation of goods and the movement of vehicles. Chairman of the Customs Service under the Government of Tajikistan Khurshed Karimzoda and Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Valery Pikalyov put their signatures on the document, the press office of the Customs Service under the Government of Tajikistan reported.

The agreement ensures an enabling environment for the companies engaged in international trade. Its key provision is the development of the institution of the authorised economic operator (AEO), the legal status of which is defined in the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The AEO status offers preferential customs treatment to legal entities in the territory of the EAEU Member States. The main advantages include the minimisation of the time needed to obtain permits, the primary order for permit issuance, the right to mark imported goods and the simplified conformity assessment procedure.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia is consistently expanding the geography of AEO mutual recognition. To date, similar agreements have been signed with China, India, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Negotiations for similar agreements are under way with South Africa, Turkey, Brazil, Mongolia, Azerbaijan and Cuba.

08 11 2024, 15:23
photo source: customs.gov.ru

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