Abandoned houses in Tajik Istiklol to be given to poor people

The Head of Istiklol clarified that a special commission had compiled a list of abandoned houses, which included 50 buildings.

Mayor of Istiklol in Tajikistan Kayumjon Mukhmudzoda announced the plans to give abandoned houses in the city to needy residents. He said a list of houses that were abandoned by their owners and became ownerless was compiled. A special commission began compiling the list, which now includes 50 houses, in 2023, ASIA Plus reports.

At the moment, these houses are uninhabited, and they are to be transferred to the state fund.

However, according to the laws of Tajikistan, it is impossible to seize someone’s property, even if it is abandoned. The decision on the seizure of real estate will be made by a court. Now the Istiklol Administration is waiting for such a decision. If the court decides in favour of the Mayor’s Office, needy citizens will move into new houses.

Mukhmudzoda added that abandoned houses adversely affect the appearance of the city, which requires close attention. In previous years, people of different nationalities used to live in the city, but many of them left the city over the years and abandoned their homes.

24 07 2024, 08:21
Photo source: pxhere.com

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